Cookies are small text files that are stored on your computer when you visit our website and do not harm your hardware or software. Your browser allows you full control of how cookies are stored – you can limit or disable the storage of cookies as desired.
Cookies are not harmful and are always time-limited.
The use of cookies in the European Union (EU) is regulated by the Privacy and Electronic Communications Directive 2002/58/EC. The directive’s article relating to cookies and similar technologies was later amended by Directive 136/2009.
In Slovenian law, cookie use is regulated by Article 157 of the Electronic Communications Act – ZEKom-1 (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia no. 109/2012), which provides the legal basis for the protection of the privacy of Internet users.
This website uses cookies that do not collect any personal information, but merely keep track of visitor activity and interests, which allows us to provide a better user experience. By using the website, visitors consent to the use of cookies.
Why are cookies necessary?
Cookies are indispensable to ensure user-friendly web services. They enable a much faster and easier interaction between the web user and the website. Thanks to cookies, the website remembers an individual user’s preferences and experiences, which saves time and makes browsing the website more efficient and user-friendly.
Each time a new user visits the online shop, the company assigns them an identification cookie, which is used to identify the user, monitor their shopping cart and ensure traceability – the data is only stored in the server’s memory for the duration of the online store visit and is deleted after one hour of inactivity. The company may also store some permanent cookies on the user’s personal computer, such as a user identification number in encrypted form. This allows the company to recognize the user when they visit the online store a second time or to save the user’s reviews, so the user knows what items they have already reviewed. Indirectly, Google Analytics external cookies that serve to analyze site visits may also be saved on the user’s computer.
The company may use this information in an anonymized summary form for statistical analysis purposes. To ensure online safety, the company also collects IP addresses that the users use to access the website.
Enabling/disabling cookies:
(note: on/off buttons are located below)
Necessary cookies
Cookies that are necessary for the proper functioning of the website and without which the website cannot function properly. These cookies allow the user to use user-friendly web services, have a better user experience and do not require the user’s consent.
Analytical cookies
These cookies help us analyze our website traffic to enhance your user experience.
Social networking cookies and advertising cookies
These cookies are used to analyze the frequency of visits and what visitors do on our websites, which helps us to provide more personalized advertising content, based on your interests.
You can also disable the cookies in your browser.
For information on how to manage your cookie settings, select the web browser you are using:
Internet Explorer
If you edit or delete your browser’s cookie file, or when you change or update your browser or device, you may need to disable the cookies again. The steps for managing and deleting cookies vary from browser to browser. If you need any help with the process, check the user help section of your browser. Google Analytics tracking can also be disabled by clicking on the following link.
Cookie list:
Cookie name | Purpose | Expiration | Izvor |
PH_HPXY_CHECK | The cookie uses a security system to prevent brute force attacks and does not allow the identification of an individual user. | Until the end of session | |
cookie_notice_accepted | This is a cookie that shows if the user has accepted the cookie notice | 1 month | |
pll_language | Detects the browser language, and displays the site in that language | 1 year | |
Piškotki so majhne tekstovne datoteke, ki se shranijo na vaš računalnik ob obisku našega spletnega mesta in ne škodijo vaši strojni ali programski opremi. Njihovo shranjevanje je pod popolnim nadzorom brskalnika, ki ga ima uporabnik – ta lahko shranjevanje piškotkov po želji omeji ali onemogoči.
Piškotki niso škodljivi in so vedno časovno omejeni.
Uporabo piškotkov v Evropski uniji (EU) določa Direktiva o zasebnosti in elektronskih komunikacijah 2002/58/ES, katere člen, ki se nanaša na piškotke in podobne tehnologije, je bil spremenjen z Direktivo 136/2009.
V slovenski zakonodaji uporabo piškotkov določa Zakon o elektronskih komunikacijah oziroma ZEKom-1 (Uradni list št. 109/2012), katerega 157. člen predstavlja pravno osnovo za skrb za zasebnost uporabnikov spleta.
Spletna stran za delovanje strani uporablja piškotke, ki ne hranijo osebnih podatkov, spremljajo pa aktivnosti obiskovalcev in zanimanje z namenom zagotavljanja boljše uporabniške izkušnje. Z uporabo spletne strani obiskovalci soglašajo z njihovo uporabo.
Zakaj so piškotki potrebni?
So temeljnega pomena za zagotavljanje uporabniku prijaznih spletnih storitev. Interakcija med spletnim uporabnikom in spletnim mestom je s pomočjo piškotkov hitrejša in preprostejša. Z njihovo pomočjo si spletno mesto zapomni posameznikove preference in izkušnje, s tem je prihranjen čas, brskanje po spletnih mestih pa bolj učinkovito in prijazno.
Podjetje vsakemu uporabniku ob začetku vsakokratne uporabe spletne trgovine dodeli piškotek za identifikacijo, spremljanje nakupovalne košarice in zagotavljanje sledljivosti, ki se v pomnilniku strežnika shranjuje le za čas trajanja obiska spletne trgovine in se izbriše po eni uri neaktivnosti. Podjetje lahko na osebni računalnik uporabnika shrani tudi nekatere trajne piškotke, kot npr. identifikacijska številka uporabnika v šifrirani obliki za prepoznavanje ob naslednjem obisku spletne trgovine ali ocene artiklov, s pomočjo katerega uporabnik ve, katere artikle je že ocenil, posredno pa tudi piškotke zunanje storitve Google Analytics, ki služijo analizi obiskov spletnega mesta.
Podjetje lahko te podatke v anonimizirani sumarni obliki uporabi za namene statističnih analiz. Za potrebe zagotavljanja spletne varnosti podjetje zbira tudi IP naslove, iz katerih uporabniki dostopajo do spletne strani.
Seznam piškotkov:
Ime piškotka | Namen | Trajanje | Izvor |
PH_HPXY_CHECK | Piškotek uporablja varnostni sistem za preprečevanje brute force napadov in ne omogoča identifikacije posameznega uporabnika. | Do zaprtja seje | |
cookie_notice_accepted | To je piškotek, ki prikazuje, ali je uporabnik sprejel obvestilo o piškotkih | 1 mesec | |
pll_language | Zazna jezik brskalnika in prikaže spletno mesto v tem jeziku | 1 leto | |